'Tis the season for colds and flu and this week we seem to have had our share of the coughs, fevers and sniffles! It was a perfect time for a special visitor to talk to us about how to stop the spread of germs and stay healthy. Thank you very much to Jen, from Jackson Pharmacy, for coming into our classroom to discuss proper handwashing technique! We watched a fun video about the importance of careful handwashing and learned the important steps to washing your hands properly in order to get rid of germs. We got to see what germs look like on your hands (before and after washing) by using a special glowing gel that showed where germs like to hide. We learned that fingernails and in-between fingers were the places germs like to hide. After seeing the yucky, glowing germs, the kids were actually begging to go to the bathroom to wash their hands! LOL!
After our presentation, students were challenged to record the steps to proper handwashing. It was a perfect way for us to begin exploring 'HOW TO' writing during our writers workshop. (We will be doing more 'how to/procedural' writing now that we know the key features of this kind of writing).
I'm happy to report that everyone remembered exactly what to do to get rid of germs and they were all able to write the steps in clear, concise language.
Let's stay healthy everyone!
Wash your hands after sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose, eating, playing in anything messy and after using the bathroom - of course!