We have had a very busy week in Grade 2. Check out the pictures below!
I am so proud of these students. We have been learning the rules and expectations in our classroom and in our school and that takes time! They have been attentive during these discussions and are working together to make our classroom a safe and enjoyable learning environment.
We have explored the different areas in our classroom to see what materials/tools we have and we have practiced tidying up centers before rotating to a new activity.
We have played several games to get to know each other and also to learn how to work with partners or in small groups.
During Literacy Centers, we have been making our friends names using materials from the word building shelf, writing on white boards, reading from the browsing box or from BIG books. We even learned how to use the listening center.
We made some amazing 'spiral name art!
We started our review of numbers to 100 and practiced counting sets of objects by grouping them into piles of 10 and counting by 10s! We explored the math materials in our room to "show what we already know". I learned that this class already knows a lot about sorting, shapes, patterns and symmetry just by watching them manipulate various math tools!
We have monarch caterpillars in our room, so we have been watching them to learn more about how they grow and change!
Whew! No wonder we're tired!
Next week promises to be just as busy. We will continue to reinforce expectations/rules and continue to provide a bit of review to build confidence as we go forward. Initial assessments will be conducted to determine learning strengths, needs and interests of all students so I can provide them with activities that best support their learning.
Thank you for returning your Emergency Forms, All About Me Bags and a million other papers so promptly. You are amazing!
I'm looking forward to a wonderful year!