Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Elves at Work

Back in early November, I signed our class up to be a part of of a holiday card exchange project.  We had to agree to make thirty cards which would be mailed to thirty places somewhere in North America.  In exchange, we will get thirty cards back from various places in North America.  Needless to say, we have been very busy in Grade 2 making thirty Holiday Greeting Cards.  We pretended our class was a card factory.  The theme of the project this year was 'SNOW' we decided to make snowman cards.  We made each card in stages.  We made the Snowman head first by tearing bits of white paper.  Next, we added a carrot nose, eyes and a mouth.  Last, we added the required information about our school/class and a holiday greeting.  It really was a team effort!  All thirty cards are ready to go.  I addressed all of the envelopes and will be dropping them into the mail tomorrow morning.  Now we patiently wait for our holiday cards to begin arriving at Little Falls.  We are very excited.  We wonder where they will come from.  We wonder whether some of the cards will  be in a different language.  We can't wait to find the different places that the cards come from on a map of North America. Each card will also tell us about the average temperature in the place where it came from, so it will be interesting to see if we get cards from hot places or places that have weather similar to ours.  Lots of potential learning in the upcoming days/weeks.
Great job, Elves!