Monday, 30 November 2015


Special thanks to Callan's mom, Julie Eaton  for coming into our class during October and November to teach us some Zumba moves and dances.  Zumba is a fun, aerobic fitness program featuring movements that are inspired by various styles of dance and choreographed to Latin American, jazz, African and pop music.  Mrs. Eaton taught us the zumba moves we would need to know one at a time and then put them all together into dances that went along with music that the students already knew. We learned how to stomp to the beat, move like robots and kitty cats, clean the windows and drive a car....just to name a few moves!  The children really appreciated your visits, Mrs. Eaton.  We hope you enjoyed the letters we wrote to you about Zumba.  We will keep practicing.  Thanks again for coming!