We have done a lot of patterning in our class using a variety of materials. The photos here show us creating patterns, but we have also been identifying patterns, labeling patterns using AB language, extending patterns, acting out patterns (stomp, stomp, clap) and looking for number patterns on the hundred chart.
The students were most familiar with color patterns initially, but quickly found that they were just as good at making patterns using other attributes (size, shape and position).
It didn't take long for students to discover that they could make patterns where more than one attribute was changing!
We know that the part of the pattern that repeats is called the core.
We still have plenty to learn about patterning, so we'll have to keep exploring.
(Later in Grade 2 we'll work on some growing and shrinking patterns....stay tuned)!
Here are the specific expectations from the Ministry of Education we are demonstrating in these photos:
By the end of Grade 2, students will:
– identify,describe and extend,through investigation, repeating patterns involving one or more attributes (e.g., colour, size, shape, thickness, orientation);
-create a repeating pattern by combining two attributes (e.g., colour and shape; colour and size)
– demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding that a pattern results from a repeated change to an attribute (e.g., colour, orientation/position, shape, size).
– represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (e.g., pictures, actions, colours, sounds, numbers, letters) (Sample problem: Make an ABA, ABA, ABA pattern using actions like clapping or tapping).