Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Appreciating The Beauty of Nature

Today as part of our 'Safe and Mentally Healthy School Initiative', everyone was asked to wear the colour green and practice letting go of the noises or negative thoughts that may invade our mind.

During the middle block of learning, our class joined with our 'Forest School Partners' from Mrs. Douglas's class and went outside to find a 'sit spot' by a tree where we could quietly reflect on and notice the details around us.  We used our senses to look, listen, smell and touch the beauty in nature and recorded these observations about our school yard on our clipboards.  It was interesting to see what captured the senses of different children.  We all enjoyed the feelings of calm that being in the outdoors brought to us!

We also enjoyed meeting and working with a new friend from Mrs. Douglas's class and look forward to more opportunities to engage in learning together both inside and outside of our classrooms.