We have been talking a lot about money in Grade 2 these days! By the end of Grade 2, students need to be able to estimate, count, and represent (using the
¢ symbol) the value of a collection of
coins with a maximum value of one
dollar. After reviewing the names and values of each of the coins, we played several games to practice making money amounts and counting money amounts. The students quickly realized how important counting by 10s, 5s and 1s is when counting dimes, nickels and pennies! We have raced to one dollar and we have made equal money amounts different ways (by using different coins). Learning about money also involves a lot of discussion about needs, wants, saving, spending, earning, lending, borrowing and even budgeting. We have had some fantastic group conversation about money with this 'new vocabulary' in mind. We also did some writing about what we would do if we had one million dollars and generated some very enteraining ideas!
Continue to work with your child to recognize, name and talk about the value of our coins. Practise counting sets of coins. Talk about how you spend/save/earn your money. Next, we will begin adding money amounts together as we pretend to 'shop' for different items!