What is Symmetry?
*if a shape can be folded in half so that one half fits exactly on top of the other, then we say that shape has symmetry
*the place where you can fold the shape in half so it fits exactly on the other half is called the "line of symmetry" - it divides the shape into two equal parts
*the line of symmetry may be vertical, horizontal or diagonal
According to our Ministry Expectations:
By the end of Grade 2:
Students should be able to create and describe symmetrical designs using a variety of different tools. In class, students have had the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to do this using pattern blocks, geoboards, an iPad app, the light table with self selected objects, Miras and paper-pencil.
Students should be able to locate the line of symmetry in 2-dimensional shapes by paper folding or using a Mira.
According to these amazing pictures.......we got it!