Last week, as part of our Safe and Mentally Healthy Schools Initiatives, we celebrated a week of activities to ensure that the mental health and wellness of students stays forefront in the minds of everyone at Little Falls.
Here's a recap of things we did last week:
Tuesday - We wore blue bracelets. We were reminded of the importance of reaching a calm, relaxed state. We coloured a mandala - quiet activities, like colouring can help you achieve a quiet state.
Wednesday - We wore green bracelets. We talked about how getting outside and enjoying nature can help you achieve a calm, relaxed feeling. We were encouraged to let go of the negative thoughts that invade our minds by finding a quiet reflective place to sit and notice the beauty of nature. On this day, we took our reading and writing outside. We also enjoyed a demonstration by Stonetown Karate. Karate is known to help people improve their ability to focus and channel inner strength. Several students from Little Falls assisted with this demonstration including Bishop, Priya and Blake from our classroom! Well done!
Thursday - We wore pink/purple bracelets and discussed the importance of positivity. We talked about positive character attributes and wrote thoughtful, positive messages full of compliments to our friends.
Friday - We reviewed the 'Golden Rule'. We wore yellow bracelets. We went on a walk to Sparling Bush with the ENTIRE school to celebrate our school-wide journey toward wellness!