Monday, 30 May 2016

Measuring Perimeter and Area!

  • Our class has had a lot of fun measuring the Perimeter and Area of different objects and shapes.  When measuring perimeter, we used coloured tiles, link its, straws, sticks and of course centimeters. We placed these measuring tools all the way around the outside of an object.   When measuring area, we used coloured tiles and different pattern blocks, playing cards and index cards to completely cover an object. We noticed that the size of the measuring tool is really important.  The bigger the tool....the fewer you need to measure and the easier and faster it is to measure.  When the measuring tool is small, you need a lot of them and it takes longer to go all the way around an object or cover the object.  

    We have also practiced building figures using blocks and the geoboards and determining the area and perimeter of those figures.  We showed our understanding of Perimeter and Area through games, hands on measurement. activities and through paper pencil tasks that involved drawing and determining the area or perimeter on paper!  Great work everyone!  

    The specific expectations we were working on are:
    By the end of Grade 2 students should be able to:

    - estimate, measure, and record the distance around objects (PERIMETER), using non-standard units (Sample problem: Measure around several different doll beds using string, to see which bed is the longest around.);

  • –  estimate, measure, and record area (THE AMOUNT OF SPACE INSIDE A FIGURE)), through investigation using a variety of non-standard units (e.g., determine the number of yellow pattern blocks it takes to cover an outlined shape) (Sample problem: Cover your desk with index cards in more than one way. See if the number of index cards needed stays the same each time.);

    1. -  describe, through investigation, the relationship between the size of a unit of area and the number of units needed to cover  a surface (Sample problem: Compare the numbers of hexagon pattern blocks and triangle pattern blocks needed to cover the same book.)