Thursday, 9 June 2016

Growing and Shrinking Patterns

Even though the end of the year is in sight....we are still working hard in our classroom.  We have been identifying, creating and extending growing and shrinking patterns!

By the end of Grade 2 students will:

*  identify and describe, through investigation, growing patterns and shrinking patterns generated by the repeated addition or subtraction of 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 25’s on a number line and on a hundreds chart (e.g., the numbers 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 are in a straight line on a hundreds chart)
  • *  identify,describe,and create,through investigation, growing patterns and shrinking patterns involving addition and subtraction
  • * represent a given growing or shrinking pattern in a variety of ways (e.g., using pictures, actions, colours, sounds, numbers, letters, number lines, bar graphs) (Sample problem: Show the letter pattern A, AA, AAA, AAAA, ... by clapping or hopping.); 

    *create growing or shrinking patterns (Sample problem: Create a shrinking pattern using cut-outs of pennies and/or nickels, starting with 20 cents