Friday, 17 June 2016

Weigh to Go!

We are still working hard and playing hard in our classroom.  This week, we explored yet another measurement concept....Mass (or weight) using standard and non-standard units.  Students really enjoyed working with their friends to determine the weight of objects using a bucket balance.  We discovered that the problem with the bucket balance was that some items are too heavy to balance with 'non-standard' tools.  We never did manage to fit enough blocks in the bucket to make our pet rocks balance!  We also determined that linkits were the hardest to 'weigh' things with because "they were sooooo light you needed a lot of them and then it took a long time to count how many you had used".
Specific Expectation:  By the end of Grade 2, students will:

  •  -   estimate, measure, and record the capacity and/or mass of an object, using a variety of non-standard units (e.g.,“I used the pan balance and found that the stapler has the same mass as my pencil case.”)
    –  compare and order a collection of objects by mass and/or capacity, using non-standard units (e.g.,“The coffee can holds more sand than the soup can, but the same amount as the small pail.”);  

    'Weigh to Go' everyone!