Friday, 17 June 2016

Let the Games Begin!

*. As part of our Media Literacy studies, we discussed features of 'Board Games' and things that game designers do when designing a game to make it appeal to children.  (Conventions and techniques used in this kind of media).
*. Students had the opportunity to look at and play with a variety of commercially made games first.  *. We listed things that some of these games had in common and some things that were unique to the games.
*. Afterwards, students were asked to create their own game.  They were each given a simple 'board template' but the rest was up to them.  It has been interesting to see which game features they incorporated into their own games.  Cards, dice, spinners, skip a turn, go to jail, pop ups, go back to start.....
* We have some very creative 'game creators' in our midst!
*. Some of the rules are still evolving!  It's a process!  It's a lot of fun!